Introduction To PREA 2024 – POST # 09053-00686

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This course was developed by the Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association
in cooperation with the MSA Jail Standardized Training Committee

This course is eligible for two(2) hours of Certified Continuing Education        MN POST # 09053-00686

Course Overview:  

Course time:  2 hours

“Introduction to PREA: Eliminating Sexual Abuse in Jails” is designed to help learners understand what the PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) is.

This course covers the history of why a law was needed; how you recognize and respond to sexual abuse and how you protect those in your care.  This course also addresses staff misconduct and allegations regarding sexual misconduct.

Course Objectives:  

  • To provide a history and overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act
  • To learn about Inmate on Inmate Sexual Assault: how to prevent sexual assaults in your facility, who is at risk, how to respond, and how to protect individuals from sexual assault
  • To learn about Staff Sexual Misconduct:  the levels of inappropriate behavior, ethical behavior, how to identify staff sexual misconduct, rights during an investigation and ways to prevent sexual assault in your facility

Instructor:  Sergeant Chris Hansen, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Sergeant Chris Hansen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in 2001.  He began working in corrections in 2000 at a medium security prison and moved to Sherburne County Jail in 2001 working as a corrections officer until 2004 when he was promoted to Jail Sergeant.    Sgt Hansen has been a Department of Justice Certified PREA auditor since 2014 and PREA Coordinator for the Sherburne County Jail in Elk River Mn since 2012.  He has  taught PREA at the Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association Jail Academy since 2012 and conducts training for all staff and volunteers at Sherburne County.