MSA Contact: Ann Jarrett
- 651-204-2218
MSA Contact: Ann Jarrett
These instructions will help you navigate through the system, complete assignments and attain your certificates.
Once you have logged into the ICLD you will come to a landing page that has three 3 tabs below the title banner. Those tabs are “Welcome” and “My Courses” and “Progress and Certificates.”
COURSE ACCESS: Click on the “My Courses” tab and you will come to a page with all your available courses, both the ICLD Leadership, the MSA courses, additional courses to purchase and the certification programs.
DISCUSSION BOARDS: After completing the course, there is an option to contribute to the Discussion Board. Click the green button to mark it complete and click on Exam for the corresponding module and take a short exam to check your knowledge.
EXAMS: You must score 70% to successfully move to the next ICLD course. MSA courses require 80% to pass. If you need to re-take a quiz, it is recommended that you review the course material before doing so. You must complete the course before taking the exam.
CERTIFICATES: You may receive a certificate after each ICLD course and each MSA course. These are available on the certificate page and ready for printing. Once you complete all the courses within an ICLD phase, you may request a certificate for ICLD I, II, III and IV. (Blue button on the top of the “My Courses” page.) These certificates are issued from the MSA office and sent to your agency.
POST CREDITS: If you are POST licensed, the MSA will submit your hours to the MN POST Board monthly. Below is a link for a list of the ICLD courses and the POST hours you will receive.
MSA CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS are now available. These certificates are a combination of certain ICLD and MSA courses. (Some of these certificates are in response to the MN POST mandates.) Once you click on the icon, you will see the courses involved. If you took an ICLD course, it will count towards the certificate as well as completing your ICLD phase.
Other things to remember: