Group Management on MNLET
The Group Leader feature has several functions that will help you track your staff’s progress. Currently, all sheriff’s staff are enrolled in all courses. The only exception is if it is a pay per view course, such as Bulletproof Spirit.
You are able to:
View an individual’s progress. On the main group management page, you will see the names of people in your organization. You can select the progress of someone from the initial page. Click on “status” and you will receive the list of courses and which ones have been completed.
Or go to reports and select “Progress” and enter the name or email of the person you are looking for. When the name appears, select the name. There are multiple ways to find an individual.
View the progress on a specific course. Go to reports and select the course. Wait for the system to process and select the course you want to view. You can filter the course by percent complete or by the date completed.
To add or delete someone from your group: Click on add users and you can add a single user, a group of users. You may add a password, which has typically been the user’s email, all lowercase. When you add people in the system, MNLET will create a username – which will now be the email address. If you want to maintain the same username combination that we have used for years (first and last name, all together) then you can edit the profile and username once added. Or, you may upload users and you can decide the username at that point.
Can I assign a course? While it appears that this is a function under reporting, it is not possible through the system. The assignment function was created for systems as if you were paying for a course. And, as you know, the ICLD and the MSA courses do not have an individual fee at this time.
Your best bet is to email through your system what course(s) you want completed and by what date. Include the reminder of their username (first and last name, all together and lowercase) and password (email unless they’ve changed it.) You can then check progress by pulling up the course you assigned and see how people are doing.
Am I able to export an agency roster or progress report? Yes, you can export a roster. It will have the users listed, but not any other information. You can also export an individual’s report under Progress or you can look up a course and see who has completed a specific course. If you want an overall report of your agency’s usage, please contact Ann.
Questions? Contact Ann Jarrett at