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Two (2) hours of Certified Continuing Education
MN POST # 09053-00708
Course Overview and Objectives
Course time: 2 hours
Corrections staff routinely collects receives and distributes a great amount of information about inmates. This data is protected and regulated by state and federal laws. Violation of these laws by giving out too little or too much data can result in major civil liability to the officer and the agency and in some cases can lead to loss of employment and even criminal prosecution. This two-hour course will address data practices issues, starting with a general overview of Data Practices laws and moving into specific information on corrections data. This basic, or introductory, course covers the terms and definitions of data practices and discusses in depth the special status of data in correctional facilities, security issues and other legal safeguards.
Instructor: Rick Hodsdon is retired from the Washington County Attorney’s Office in Stillwater, Minnesota. Rick dealt with numerous aspects of the office involving data practices, HIPAA, the sheriff’s office, personnel matters, criminal prosecution and civil litigation. Rick has been the Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association legal counsel since 1987. He is on the faculty of Northwestern University Police Command School and teaches throughout the United States on criminal justice issues. Rick has a J.D. and Master’s Degree in Public Administration and he is admitted to practice before the courts in Minnesota, 8th Circuit, and the U.S. Supreme Court.
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